As a reliable partner of the Egyptian Armed Forces, MBDA has been showcasing its latest innovations at EDEX 2023 on its booth (H2-B30), such as the Akeron family. It is a system to rely on for collaborative tactical combat in a complex environment for a versatile and precise capability; the unique family of fifth-generation tactical combat missiles, a quantum leap from the third and fourth generation weapons currently available on the market. MBDA is at the forefront of technological evolution against conventional and new threats thanks to its operationally proven capabilities.
Air dominance has proven to be one of the true challenges today and for the future. MBDA covers all the layers of air defence, offering state-of-the-art capabilities systems: from VSHORAD systems up to the higher layer with its Aster family, now including the new Aster 30 B1NT, under development, whose model is shown on the stand at EDEX, together with VL Mica NG. But that is just part of the wider air defence domain where MBDA has recently proposed its Expendable Remote Carriers (ERC), compact unmanned collaborative combat aircraft that are being developed to enable the next generation air-combat systems to operate in highly contested environments.
At the same time, MBDA is a champion in the naval domain where its new anti-ship systems are being developed, such as the new Marte ER, which has recently entered in operation after its final test firing and which is on show at EDEX, together with Exocet 40 Block 3 C and Otomat. Marte ER, in particular, can equip either a naval unit, a coastal battery, or a rotary or fixed wing platform. Marte ER represents a third generation lightweight, long range anti-ship missile while its turbo jet engine guarantees an over 100 km extended range.